ASIATODAY.ID, JAKARTA – The leader of world Catholics, Pope Francis, admires the Indonesian nation’s motto ‘Unity in Diversity’, which has different meanings but is still one. This was conveyed by the Pope in his message at a meeting with government officials, the diplomatic corps and public figures at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 4 2024.
“Your country’s motto, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, unity in diversity, literally means diverse but still one, expresses the multifaceted reality of diverse people firmly united in one nation,” said the Pope.
The Pope said the motto also shows that Indonesia’s biodiversity is a source of wealth and beauty. Likewise, the differences that exist in Indonesia specifically contribute to the formation of very large mosaics, each ceramic of which is an irreplaceable element in creating authentic and valuable masterpieces.
“Harmony in diversity is achieved when certain perspectives take into account the common needs of all people. When each ethnic group and religious denomination acts in a spirit of brotherhood, while pursuing noble goals by serving the common good,” he said.
The Pope said that awareness of participating in a common history by prioritizing solidarity as an essential element, has helped identify appropriate solutions to avoid polemics that may arise from existing differences. “The balance between great cultural diversity and different ideologies, and ideals that strengthen unity, must be constantly defended against various imbalances,” said the Pope.
This, he said, is the duty of everyone, especially those involved in political life, who must fight for harmony, equality, respect for basic human rights, sustainable development, solidarity and efforts to achieve peace, both within society and with the nation. -other nations and countries. “Indonesia’s diversity can be a good example for the world,” he added. (ATN)
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