ASIATODAY.ID, YOGYAKARTA – The leading Islamic organization in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and supported by ViriyaENB (Indonesian Foundation for Net Zero Emission) and Ahmad Dahlan University initiated the Global Forum for Climate Movement with the theme Promoting Green Culture, Innovation, and Cooperation.
This activity will take place for two days from 17-18 November 2023, at Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta.
This initiative is motivated by the global situation in recent years, where the issue of climate change has changed from a future threat to a clear and present danger. The increasing number of victims from global extreme weather events, from uncontrolled fires to floods that destroy entire communities, has proven that climate change is widespread, rapid and intensifying.
The Global Forum initiative emerged from Muhammadiyah’s deep-rooted commitment, with its history of social and educational activism, to address pressing global challenges.
Recognizing the urgency of the climate crisis and its profound impact on vulnerable communities, Muhammadiyah has embarked on a mission to align its values with sustainable practices, green culture, innovation, and cooperation to make a meaningful contribution to worldwide efforts to overcome climate change issues, especially at the global, grassroots and community levels.
The aim of this Global Forum is to explore and share Islamic values as a source of inspiration to foster a deep appreciation for nature, and commitment to sustainable practices within the global community.
The Global Forum for Climate Movement provides a dynamic platform for diverse stakeholders to engage in constructive dialogue, exchange ideas, and collaboratively shape future climate action.
Muhammadiyah’s participation in this global forum confirms its commitment to contribute Islamic perspectives, share experiences and learn from other parties, as well as encourage a more inclusive and effective climate movement.
General Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership, Haedar Nashir, said that climate change is a common problem faced by all mankind and all nations in the world.
“Currently the world is experiencing an ecosystem crisis due to climate change which has a broad impact on all life in the universe,” said Haedar, as broadcast by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
“Therefore, joint efforts and movements are needed to find strategic and systemic solutions at the global level to guarantee the future of human existence and the environment,” he added.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Retno Marsudi, said that the Global Forum for Climate Movement is a concrete manifestation of Muhammadiyah’s role in the issue of climate change.
“The participation of all stakeholders in the climate management agenda is very much needed, including what is currently being carried out by Muhammadiyah,” said Foreign Minister Retno.
“It is important for us to build awareness of the climate crisis, strengthen international cooperation, and strengthen ethical and moral guidelines to realize environmentally friendly behavior,” he continued.
Climate change is a common problem faced by all humanity and all nations in the world. Currently the world is experiencing an ecosystem crisis due to climate change which has a broad impact on all life in the universe. Therefore, joint efforts and movements are needed to find strategic and systemic solutions at the global level to guarantee the future of human existence and the environment.
Muhammadiyah as a progressive Islamic movement plays an active role in responding to climate change and the global ecosystem crisis. Facing this global problem requires real joint and sustainable action to reduce the impact of global warming through reforestation efforts, changing energy-saving lifestyles, preventing pollution, building environmentally friendly infrastructure, recycling waste, and minimizing the impact of global warming, utilizing paper through a paperless culture, and other concrete steps.
Therefore, the new paradigm that Muhammadiyah offers to the world is “building to save lives” (al-islah al-salamit), “building that brings benefits” (al-islah al-mufidah), and “building that brings benefits” ( al-islah al-maslahat). Don’t let us use the paradigm of “building that destroys” (al-islah al-fasadat).
Muhammadiyah in its 111th anniversary on November 18 2023 even raised the theme “Efforts to Save the Universe”. All dimensions of human life and its ecosystem must be developed and saved from all forms of damage, in order to achieve a world civilization that is Rahmatan Lil-‘Alamin.
The International Forum “Global Forum for Climate Movement: Promoting Green Culture, Innovation, and Cooperation” which was held on the Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta campus is very important and relevant. This forum is part of a joint effort by Muhammadiyah, the Indonesian government, and various state representatives to seek solutions to climate change and various crises, in order to save the future of humanity and the universe.
The Global Forum for Climate Movement, which was held on the occasion of Muhammadiyah’s 111th anniversary, was attended by 260 participants from representatives of 13 friendly countries including Australia, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Singapore , England, the United States, and the Holy See of the Vatican, International Organizations (UNDP, UNESCAP, European Union), Faith Based Organizations in Indonesia, and Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PWM) in 35 provinces throughout Indonesia, Muhammadiyah Autonomous Organizations at the Central level, and Non Related Government Organizations (NGOs).
The Global Forum for Climate Movement agenda consists of 4 sessions. The speakers for each session came from religious figures, academics, the private sector, State-Owned Enterprises in the energy sector, which shows that Muhammadiyah together with the Government are open to collaborating with other institutions and organizations, both government and private.
Call to Action
The first session was about Green Culture, namely encouraging the environment to be a matter of religion and belief. The second session was about innovation. The third session, regarding strategy and initiatives. Meanwhile, the fourth session was about collaboration.
On the second day, participants launched a joint commitment for real action, Call to Action: Promoting Green Culture, Innovation, and Cooperation), in overcoming the challenge of climate change.
This Call to Action complements the launch of the Muhammadiyah Climate Center on the first day of the meeting (17/11) as Muhammadiyah’s contribution to global efforts to handle climate change.
The Call to Action combines all the views that have emerged into a commitment to real cooperation in 4 areas, namely building a green culture; innovation in climate resilience; strategies, initiatives, and legal and funding frameworks for adaptation; and a collaborative approach to a green future.
The Call for Action, among others, is implementing environmentally friendly practices based on faith teachings, implementing energy-saving and sustainable technology in schools, campuses, hospitals and health services, integrating sustainable funding mechanisms, and strengthening partnerships, collaboration, exchanging good practices with all parties, including academics, on various climate change initiatives. (AT Network)
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